Artist Friends


Judi Betts

International watercolor instructor and award winning artist

Judi Betts is a friend of mine. She has taught workshops the last two years at the Brownwood Fine Arts Association. She also came to campus and lectured her first year. She was well –received and the artists enjoyed her class. She allowed our art-aide Jon Ciniceros to attend the classes with me. It was his first experience at a professional workshop. She also allowed students to come and go all week observing the workshop.



The Amazin Walter

My favorite sandcastle artist, my brother’s best friend and an amazing human!!!!


Hank Squires

Hank Squires was the guest speaker for the Art Appreciation class at Howard Payne University while on holiday here in Eastland. Hank has recently finished his Master’s degree in Archeology at York University in England and is beginning his P.H.D in Timber Castles. He shared a PowerPoint presentation of recent archeological sites he has worked on and explained his unusual major to the students. It was an enlightening day for the students, most of whom had never even heard of his major focus area. The students were also interested in his study abroad program.


Joe Barrington and Judy Sager

Joe Barrington is a 3-D Metal sculptor that exhibits in both Albany and Throckmorton, Texas. Just look for the Red Star or something large and metal!!!
Judy Sager - master artist from Ft. Worth.
Greg Nixon - World Champion 4 x 400, 2011 - Art Major - Howard Payne University -


My precious friend Norman Logan died in 2010. I was asked to paint a sign for the community by the Kiwanas and luckily finished it in time to show him. He loved it as it portrayed him before his battle with cancer. He was a friend to all and an amazing man. If you knew Norman, you loved him.

Norman Logan



Victoria - Canada




Devon and his first "Warhol"